New members Kristoffer Førde Aarskog New members Kristoffer Førde Aarskog

We welcome Israel to the EFVL family

Following the inclusion of Sweden a couple of weeks ago we are happy to announce Israel as a new member of the European Footvolley League. Israel becomes the 15th member after a unanimous vote from the member nations.

Following the inclusion of Sweden a couple of weeks ago we are happy to announce Israel as a new member of the European Footvolley League. Israel becomes the 15th member after a unanimous vote from the member nations. 

About footvolley in Israel 🇮🇱


Israel is a country with a lot of footvolley players and a long-standing footvolley culture. There are over 200 active male footvolley players and about 20 women players - and growing. 

Israel Footvolley Association (IFA) is well organized and puts a lot of focus on development. They really believe -like the EFVL- this sport is a life changer. There are footvolley programs around the country for both men and women, and of course youth players. They provide footvolley training to professional football clubs in the beginning of the season and there are projects for young kids of tough neighbourhoods.

On top Israel Footvolley Association organized a lot of high-quality tournaments in the past years: In 2016 they had a Rio Footvolley Qualification Tournament for the Rio Games with over 50 Israeli teams participating. There also was the Eilat World Championship with some of the best players from around the world. The same goes for the Haifa International Tournament. The national Israeli Footvolley League with 1st and 2nd division broadcasted weekly LIVE on television. Also the first ever Mixed Couples Footvolley Championship in Israel was held last year. In April 2018 Israel hosted the The Red Sea World event in Eilat which also attracted many European teams like e.g. our European Champions from Portugal Nelson & Miguel.

If you want to play footvolley in Israel you can find courts and players in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, Bat Yam, Ashdod, Rishon le Zion, Kfar Saba, Yavne and Herzeliya to name a few cities.  

FIND OUT MORE: Visit Israel Footvolley on Facebook


We are very happy to join the EFVL and we are looking forward to grow together with the european footvolley community. Israel is a big fan of the sport and we are certain that this step will help footvolley to flourish.
— Shalom Michaelshvili - Chairman of IFA

Shalom Michaelshvili. Photo; Tal Shahar

Israel and the European Footvolley Championship (EFC)

With this late addition to the EFVL Israel has been invited to participate in the qualification tournament being organized the day prior to the first day of the EFC in Graz, Austria. Israel will also send a female team for the female tournament.

An action shot from the World Footvolley Tournament in Eilat 2018. 

An action shot from the World Footvolley Tournament in Eilat 2018. 

About the application process

Normal procedure for new EFVL memberships is that all member nations vote yes or no (one nation one vote). This can only happen at our annual meeting at the end of the year. New members will have to present themselves, and if voted Yes they will have to sign the statutes and the ethical code.

However, at the last meeting in Luzern 2017 we were preoccupied with officially founding EFVL under Swiss law. Unfortunately we did not have the time to address the question of new memberships.

Israel is now the 15th member after a unanimous but online vote, which is an exceptional situation. They have been waiting for 3 years, but the official signing will only take place in November 2018 when all the nations meet at our annual meeting. 

Many countries want to be a part of EFVL, and we are eager to include more. In addition to the application from Israel we have interest from many more countries. Our administration department is looking into all of them and an important criteria is the footvolley culture in each country. Is there a footvolley history. Are they organized and how. Is there a national ranking open to all. Other criteria involved in the decision-making: geographical factors, safety of players and ambassadors, easy to travel and other practical matters. We also need to decide if a new member is an asset to the EFVL. 


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Tournament Kristoffer Førde Aarskog Tournament Kristoffer Førde Aarskog

World Footvolley Tournament in Eilat, Israel 🇮🇱

A lot of European men and women teams were involved in The World Red Sea Eilat Cup held in Eilat, Israel in mid march 2018. Reigning European champions Miguel Pinheiro & Nelson Pereira came up short in the final against Brazil, but delivered a good game against one of the best team in the world. 

A lot of European men and women teams were involved in The World Red Sea Eilat Cup held in Eilat, Israel in mid march 2018. Reigning European champions Miguel Pinheiro & Nelson Pereira came up short in the final against Brazil, but delivered a good game against one of the best team in the world. 

Portuguese and European champion Miguel Pinheiro with a shark block on Brazilian super star Eduardo Gasparini. The crowd witnessed a very high level in the final. Photo: Eilat Footvolley

Portuguese and European champion Miguel Pinheiro with a shark block on Brazilian super star Eduardo Gasparini. The crowd witnessed a very high level in the final. Photo: Eilat Footvolley

Teams from around the world gathered in this traditional tournament and proved to be the biggest and most successful edition ever. Amongst the many countries who participated were; 🇬🇷Greece, 🇫🇷France, 🇳🇱Holland, 🇪🇸Spain, 🇵🇹Portugal, 🇳🇴Norway, 🇧🇷Brazil, 🇵🇾Paraguay, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿England, 🇦🇹Austria, 🇩🇪Germany, 🇺🇸USA and of course 🇮🇱Israel in the lineup. 

It is nice to see the international footvolley family growing. It is especially nice to see so many women now finding their way into this amazing sport. 

The tournament was administrated by Eilat Footvolley, Luiz Gomes and the help of the Israel Footvolley Association (IFA). The knock-out stages were broadcasted live on national television on Israel's channel 'One'; Israels most accredited sports channel.

Some of the best teams in the world participated in the tournament and in addition a few of Israels own best players like Maor Haas and Pascal Schmidt who won the European Groningen Cup and made it to the quarter finals in Eilat, as well as Israels current number one team, Oren Zuberi and Ron Ben Yishay who took 4th place in Eilat this year.

Results mens tournament

🏆1. place: 🇧🇷Brazil: Eduardo Gasparini & Marcellino Schiling
🥈2. place: 🇵🇹Portugal: Miguel Pinheiro & Nelson Pereira
🥉3. place: 🇵🇾Paraguay: Fernando Lugo & Victor Martinez
4. place: 🇮🇱Israel 1: Oren Zubeari & Ron Ben Vishay

Results womens tournament

🏆1. place: 🇧🇷Brazil: Natalia Guitler & Josy Souza
🥈2. place: 🇳🇱Holland 1: Evelyn Dobbinga & Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues
🥉3. place: 🇩🇪Germany: Rebecca Gabriell & Carolin Schultze
4. place : 🇳🇱Holland : Nynke Karrenbeld & Selma van Berkel

In the coming year another footvolley national league will take place and is expected to reach new heights in Israel. Besides the league there are many more tournaments planned for men and women. Educational and social projects are being worked on in order to keep the already rapidly growing community of footvolley players evolving, with a special focus on building interest from younger players.

The EFVL congratulates Israel with a well organized tournament with a very high level and the inclusion of so many EFVL-members. 

Winners Eduardo Gasparini & Marcellino Schiling and Natalia Guitler & Josy Souza Photo: Eilat Footvolley

Winners Eduardo Gasparini & Marcellino Schiling and Natalia Guitler & Josy Souza Photo: Eilat Footvolley

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