Dear friends of footvolley around the world. Despite these difficult times the Olympic flame was lit in Greece last thursday and that flame will continue to burn through these difficult times.
The EFVL was ready to announce the full tour of the Eurpean Footvolley League 2020 in these coming days, but now that announcement has been postponed until further notice. The ambassadors from the member nations will have online meetings to evaluate the situation and we will continue to inform you as soon as we know more. During a crisis sport is the first thing that stops. But it will also be first to start up again. Please keep that in mind during these difficult times and be ready.
“Let’s keep some physical distance now so we can hug again later.”
The Italian Prime Minister said: “Let’s keep some physical distance now so we can hug again later.” Be responsible and follow the instructions in your country.
How to stay fit in the times of Corona
Us footvolley lovers are a warmhearted community that loves to go outside, to travel and to get close to people. But now we are stuck inside our homes.
But please don’t stop moving. Sitting on the couch all day contributes to other existing healthcare problems and sports physicians recommend continuing to sport if you are able. Even inside your home you can exercise. You can dance, you can do yoga, you can powertrain with your own body weight. If you need weights, be creative and use furniture, books or whatever you can think of. Use this time to work on the things you are not normally working on.
But remember that the virus can survive on surfaces like metal and plastics for a long time. If you sweat, please don’t use your hands to wipe off your face until you have washed them. Be careful with used towels. Shower at home. Search online for some inspirational exercises or contact the many coaches and personal trainers we have in our community.
If you are allowed to go outside: Exercising with a plastic ball is not a good idea. Even when you are playing alone, the ball touches the floor, your hands and your face. Walking, running and bicycling are excellent activities if you don’t get too close to people. Don’t share a car, travel alone. If you run together keep a minimum of 1 meter of distance. Say hello and smile to the people you meet. #spreadthelovenotthevirus
One last thing: In the media we have seen some negative reports of irresponsible and asocial behaviour. Please remember that for every asocial person there are thousands of doctors, nurses, cleaners etc working nonstop. For every person hoarding food, there are tens of thousands civilians doing all they can to stop the spread of the virus. Don't be disappointed by these first panic responses. Don’t give up convincing the people who are still in denial. Simply don’t believe the cynical world view we have been fed for too long. In the beginning of every disaster there are reports of chaos and crime. Often just rumours. Most people stay calm and help each other. Disasters and crises bring us even closer together. This is not wishful thinking, it is a scientific proven fact. Look around and you will notice a lot of people wanting to help out by following instructions, go shopping for others, etc.
We will confront this pandemic with solidarity and unity. We will always contribute to a society where the health of all is the only thing that matters. Take care and be well. #unitedwecare
Ulli Hulsmans